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City of Cockburn invests in keeping dog waste out of landfills

Updated: May 30, 2024

If they can do it, why not US? City of Cockburn Waste Education officer Nicki Ledger said new compostable bags that will be installed at city parks will be less damaging to the environment as they were likely to break down quickly if they ended up in local waterways, not crumble into tiny pieces of plastic like the ‘degradable’ or ‘biodegradable’ bags.

Miss Ledger said the bags were certified compostable meaning they break down completely in the industrial composters at the Regional Resource Recovery Centre in Canning Vale. “They’re also compostable to AS5810 for home composting systems so they will break down in backyard composters,” she said.

Update: "We no longer use the Regional Resource Recovery Centre in Canning Vale since we are no longer part of the South Metro Regional Council. All general waste bins are taken to the Henderson landfill site. In 2023 this waste will be sent to a waste to energy plant." Clare Courtauld, Waste Education Coordinator | Waste Services, City of Cockburn

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