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Upcoming free webinar

How-to: Backyard pet waste composting
August 22, 2024, 1 pm PDT, 2 pm MDT, 3 pm CDT, 4 pm EDT

Rick Carr, farm manager and master composter at Rodale Institute, will review best practices for composting pet waste and answer your questions.  Register today and EPWN will send you a link to the webinar and reminders.


Zoo Doo: Composting carnivore waste

Speaker: Sustainable Waste Management Specialist Liv Johansson, Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle, WA US

After four decades composting herbivore waste, Seattle’s zoo added poop from its meat eaters to the feedstock mix in 2023. How did the process go with scat from the big cats and dogs? See details and video link.


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