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The City of Guelf recycles kitty litter and pet waste as part of its green bin program.



Hearthmakers Energy Cooperative in Kingston holds seminars teaching pet owners how to compost dog and cat waste to keep it out of waterways.


A 2018  contract between the City of Ottawa and its waste hauler, Orgaworld, would include provisions for including dog waste and plastic in its residential green bin program. Items included in green bins are diverted from the landfill and streamed to the company’s compost site.


The city is in the process of updating its Dog Off Leash Area Strategy, which includes options for sustainably managing dog waste (pgs. 95 - 99).



The city of Toronto is aiming at 70% residential waste diversion with the assistance of its Green Bin Program – From Curb to Compost. Pet waste and disposable diapers may be included with other organic Green Bin waste.


Based on a 2006 City of Toronto waste audit, the city found that dog waste is the largest litter stream by weight in its parks. As a consequence Toronto provides a Green Bin Dog Waste Plan at city parks that collects and processes this waste stream.


The Region of Waterloo’s curbside green bin organics collection program accepts dog waste and kitty litter, as well. The region asks residents not to toss loose waste in the green bin. All waste should be wrapped in newspaper or paper towel, or bagged in a compostable bag. More solutions from Waterloo’s Karen Scian.

Waterloo’s dog poop power pilot project promises to unleash pet waste as a renewable energy resource that will provide residential electricity.


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